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DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2003-08
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Re: Linux emulation

From: Matthew Dillon <dillon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 12:18:16 -0700 (PDT)

:-On [20030806 20:32], Matthew Dillon (dillon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
:>    I haven't had a chance to try to reproduce it myself but I 
:>    suspect that the issues are real and need to be addressed.
:Well, I think they're real too. ;)
:But right now I am trying to figure out why man is suddenly barfing on
:the permissions.
:Rob still needs to revert the commit though, although 't might be ok to
:leave it for now, otherwise man/catN/ will be riddled with temporary
:Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)wxs.nl> / asmodai

    I think my last email to Rob was "This doesn't look right at all"
    or something like that :-).  I think that patch needs to be reverted 


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