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DragonFly bugs List (threaded) for 2011-10
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[issue2166] DFBSD v2.13.0.109.g05b9d - Strange lockups

From: "Antonio Huete Jimenez \(via DragonFly issue tracker\)" <sinknull@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 11:20:57 +0000

New submission from Antonio Huete Jimenez <tuxillo@quantumachine.net>:


During normal use for my standards, running a couple vkernels, git, a bit 
building world and kernel several times, poking hammer, etc I got a strange 
lockup. My ssh connections stopped working (but I could ping the machine and I 
got a good times), and I couldn't type on the vtys but I could switch from one 
to the others without any delays.

So I manually escaped to the debugger and I called dumpsys. I got a core which 
can be uploaded to leaf on demand.

Antonio Huete

messages: 10245
nosy: tuxillo
priority: bug
status: unread
title: DFBSD v2.13.0.109.g05b9d - Strange lockups

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