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PF: Lists and Macros

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A list allows the specification of multiple similar criteria within a rule. For example, multiple protocols, port numbers, addresses, etc. So, instead of writing one filter rule for each IP address that needs to be blocked, one rule can be written by specifying the IP addresses in a list. Lists are defined by specifying items within { } brackets.

When pfctl(8) encounters a list during loading of the ruleset, it creates multiple rules, one for each item in the list. For example:

block out on fxp0 from {, } to any

gets expanded to:

block out on fxp0 from to any
block out on fxp0 from to any

Multiple lists can be specified within a rule and are not limited to just filter rules:

rdr on fxp0 proto tcp from any to any port { 22 80 } -> \
block out on fxp0 proto { tcp udp } from {, \ } to any port { ssh telnet }

Note that the commas between list items are optional.


Macros are user-defined variables that can hold IP addresses, port numbers, interface names, etc. Macros can reduce the complexity of a PF ruleset and also make maintaining a ruleset much easier.

Macro names must start with a letter and may contain letters, digits, and underscores. Macro names cannot be reserved words such as pass, out, or queue.

ext_if = "fxp0"

block in on $ext_if from any to any

This creates a macro named ext_if. When a macro is referred to after it's been created, its name is preceded with a $ character.

Macros can also expand to lists, such as:

friends = "{,, }"

Macros can be defined recursively. Since macros are not expanded within quotes the following syntax must be used:

host1 = ""
host2 = ""
all_hosts = "{" $host1 $host2 "}"

The macro $all_hosts now expands to,

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$OpenBSD: macros.html,v 1.9 2004/01/01 04:16:17 nick Exp $