DragonFly BSD


DragonFly BSD 5.8

DragonFly version 5.8 brings a new dsynth utility for building your own binary dports packages, plus significant support work to speed up that build - up to and including the entire collection. Additional progress has been made on GPU and signal support.

The details of all commits between the 5.6 and 5.8 branches are available in the associated commit messages for 5.8.0rc1, 5.8.0, 5.8.1, 5.8.2, and 5.8.3. Also see /usr/src/UPDATING for specific file changes in PAM.

Big-ticket items



MD5 (dfly-x86_64-5.8.3_REL.img) = 1269174524c04b79307476dd36c40265
MD5 (dfly-x86_64-5.8.3_REL.iso) = 4b3041c9626db8a3324e76e867ac1ec4
MD5 (dfly-x86_64-5.8.3_REL.img.bz2) = 690e6cc57d178878cdbc7db32c097c92
MD5 (dfly-x86_64-5.8.3_REL.iso.bz2) = 210e6b26836ab80c9e3105937ab135be


If you have an existing 5.x system and are running a generic kernel, the normal upgrade process, described below, will work.

Change your local /usr/src to 5.8:

cd /usr/src
git fetch origin
git branch DragonFly_RELEASE_5_8 origin/DragonFly_RELEASE_5_8
git checkout DragonFly_RELEASE_5_8
git pull

And then rebuild: (in /usr/src)

make buildworld
make buildkernel
make installkernel
make installworld
make upgrade

(reboot your system)

make initrd 

make initrd is optional for systems with unencrypted disks, and has been possible for several releases; it's mentioned here for completeness. Look at the initrd(7) man page for details on what it does.

Don't forget to upgrade your existing packages. 5.8 packages have already been built and are immediately available.

pkg update
pkg upgrade

All other changes since prior release

Security Issues





Driver updates


Boot, Image

Various tools have been upgraded in the base system:

Compiler status

Package updates