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Re: Unison and Hammer History

From: Freddie Cash <fjwcash@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 07:50:56 -0800

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> OK I see the same happening with rsync. Seems to me that rsync (and
> possibly unison as well) delete the old file and then create a new
> file. Each time a file is changed on the desktop, when you do rsync,
> it looks as a newly created file on the server with no history and a
> single line for transaction and time stamp; and the time stamp is the
> moment when rsync was done.

try adding --inplace to the rsync  options and see if that works better.

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&gt; OK I see the same happening with rsync. Seems to me that rsync (and<br=
&gt; possibly unison as well) delete the old file and then create a new<br>
&gt; file. Each time a file is changed on the desktop, when you do rsync,<b=
&gt; it looks as a newly created file on the server with no history and a<b=
&gt; single line for transaction and time stamp; and the time stamp is the<=
&gt; moment when rsync was done.</p>
<p>try adding --inplace to the rsync=C2=A0 options and see if that works be=


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