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DragonFly users List (threaded) for 2011-03
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Floppy Disk

From: Clark Chapman <cchapman8@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 19:23:30 -0400

I am trying to figure out why the floppy drive doesn't work on DragonFly.

I reset all the bios settings to their defaults and installed Windows and the floppy works fine. I then did a fresh install of DragonFly 2.8.2.

When the system boots I get the following messages.

fd0 <1440-KB 3.5" drive> of fdc0 drive 0


fd0: hard error reading offset 00000000000 for 512 (No status)
fd0: reading primary partition table: error accessing 000000000000 for 512

I don't know if that is normal or not.

I logged on as root and inserted a write enabled floppy in the drive.

The command fdformat /dev/fd0.1440 gives me the message

fdformat: ioctl (FD_FORM): input/output error

If I repeat the command I get

fd0: reading primary partition table: error accessing 00000000000 for 512

If I repeat the command again the system panics.

Is anyone else using a floppy drive and having these problems?

Clark Chapman

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