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DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2006-10
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Re: re(4) update

From: David Cuthbert <dacut@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 21:49:36 -0800

Matthew Dillon wrote:
[If] I actually HAD a critical application that required that kind of
routing or bridging I would buy a dedicated piece of hardware to handle
it, not try to use a general purpose operating system running on commodity hardware.

Ironically, at [big e-commerce company], where I work, we're moving away from the dedicated load balancing hardware, though not for any of the reasons you're discussing. Our traffic volume is high and heterogeneous enough to trigger subtle bugs in the LB firmware. Getting debug information is next to impossible when they just start dropping packets on the floor. They're also really expensive, so the vendors' solution -- "You need to buy more of our hardware" -- makes our finance guys cringe.

Rather than replace them with dedicated boxes, though, we'll probably just remove that layer entirely -- clients will negotiate leases onto a single host for a given period of time, with initial discovery through a broadcast mechanism.

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