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DragonFly submit List (threaded) for 2004-02
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patch to de-K&R-ify zic(8)

From: Chris Pressey <cpressey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 17:07:07 -0800

Hi again.

The attached patch removes register keywords and K&R-style declarations
from /usr.sbin/zic/* (it even had it's own __P()-like macro... :)

There are a lot more style(9) violations in zic, but after putting
together a patch which addressed multiple issues, I decided that that
way lies madness - the patch is mind-numbing enough to audit as it
stands.  So, only the style violations that overlapped K&R function
declarations and register variable declarations have been addressed
(mostly just whitespace stuff like char * foo -> char *foo.)

Testing: it builds without errors, and since it contains no functional
changes, it should be fine.  (In theory, famous last words, etc etc)


Attachment: zic.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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