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DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2010-05
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Re: resident stack size

From: Jan Lentfer <Jan.Lentfer@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 03 May 2010 06:41:51 +0200

Pratyush Kshirsagar schrieb:
I went through the code for top in /contrib/top/ but their was no specific information about the functions being called for getting the resident stack size.
Or any construct which gives the resident stack size.
Theirs the function get_process_info and get_system_info (definition resides in one of the file) but they give the cpu and memory usage statistics/ time values.
If you know how does it gets the resident stack size, please tell me.
Till then I will go through it again.

If irc it is in m_dragonfly.c (usr/bin/top):

87 #*define* VP <http://grok.x12.su/source/s?refs=VP&project=/dragonfly>(pp, field <http://grok.x12.su/source/s?defs=field&project=/dragonfly>) ((pp)->kp_vm_ <http://grok.x12.su/source/s?defs=kp_vm_&project=/dragonfly> ## field <http://grok.x12.su/source/s?defs=field&project=/dragonfly>)

630 format_k <http://grok.x12.su/source/s?defs=format_k&project=/dragonfly>(pagetok <http://grok.x12.su/source/xref/dragonfly/usr.bin/top/m_dragonfly.c#pagetok>(VP <http://grok.x12.su/source/xref/dragonfly/usr.bin/top/m_dragonfly.c#VP>(pp, rssize <http://grok.x12.su/source/s?defs=rssize&project=/dragonfly>))),


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