DragonFly BSD


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Size: 1.6K
docs/howtos/HowTo dma gmail
Using dma for sending mails via GMail SMTP About This HOWTO helps you to set up dma for sending mails via gmail accounts. It's useful if you do not want to run -- and especially setup -- sendmail, postfix or other big MTA. So it's ideal for home use. Sending mails via gmail reduces the risk that your mail lands in some spam mailbox. Why these? The DragonFly Mail Agent (dma) is a small Mail Transport Agent (MTA), designed for home and office use. On a DragonFly system why should you use anything else? Mutt...
100% relevant, matching: dma


Size: 9.5K
Switching Mail Transfer Agents Every release of DragonFly BSD up to and including Release 4.0 came with Sendmail configured as the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA). Since Release 1.12, the DragonFly Mail Agent (DMA) has been available in base, but manual configuration has been required to activate it. On 15 March 2015, the default MTA has been switched to DMA in preparation of removing Sendmail version 8.14.5 from the base system. The DragonFly Mail Agent is a minimalist MTA that handles emails competently for...
97% relevant, matching: dma


Size: 3.2K
enhance dma(8) during the SoC 2008 A Google Summer of Code 2008 project. Student: Max Lindner Mentor: Matthias Schmidt Project Proposal Abstract dma - a minimalistic non-listening mta for dragonflybsd shall gain some more functionality regarding processing and delivering mail. The project adresses two main subjects: -smart delivery to smarthosts -support for .forward local delivery Status finished Timeline Until May 25th - reading dma source, creating build environment, get to know the development...
88% relevant, matching: dma


Size: 16.4K
DragonFly BSD 4.2 Version 4.2.0 released 29 June 2015. Version 4.2.1 released 01 July 2015. Version 4.2.3 released 13 July 2015. Version 4.2.4 released 10 August 2015. Version 4.2 of DragonFly brings significant updates to i915 and Radeon support, a move to GCC 5 (and the first BSD to do so), a replacement to Sendmail, and numerous other changes including OpenSSL updates, a new boot screen, improved sound, and improved USB support. 4.2.1 brings a fix for a crash when using i915 video. Version 4.2.2 was...
75% relevant, matching: dma


Size: 7.2K
Information for Users The handbook How to work with dports Hardware Supported hardware DragonFly on laptops Power saving DragonFly as a KVM guest Misc Virtualization: NVMM Hypervisor Web browsers Setting up swapcache Comparison with Linux Contributed Software Glossary of Terms Information for Developers Programming Development DevFS DragonFly BSD License DragonFly Technologies Kernel Module Debugging Locking and Synchronization Typical Git Usage How to use git to submit patches DragonFly BSD Source...
71% relevant, matching: dma


Size: 11.2K
Obtaining DragonFly 1.10.x for your system 1.10.1 ISO Images for CDs DragonFly CDs are 'live', which means that the CD will boot your system and let you log in as root (no password). You can use this feature to check for hardware compatibility and play with DragonFly a little before actually installing it on your hard drive. The CD includes an installer that can be run at the console, or (experimentally) via a web browser. Make sure you read the README file for more information. To activate the...
61% relevant, matching: dma


Size: 3.6K
docs/developer/DragonFly Technologies
This page lists DragonFly inventions, new DragonFly tools, or DragonFly implementations of new technologies. battd - Battery status monitoring daemon checkpt - restore/resume support for Process Checkpointing (serialize process state to be resumed later on a compatible system) devfs - dynamic device file system diskinfo - report about block media devices dma - The DragonFly Mail Agent dntpd - Network time protocol client daemon ECC detection - detects memory faults on supported systems getdevpath - device...
60% relevant, matching: dma


Size: 20.7K
docs/User/sony vaio svf1521g1ew
Copyright (c) 2003-2018 The DragonFly Project. Copyright (c) 1992-2003 The FreeBSD Project. Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. DragonFly v5.4.2.1.g219f0-RELEASE #1: Tue Apr 23 12:16:17 UTC 2019 root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/X86_64_GENERIC acpi_hpet: frequency 14318180 Using cputimer HPET for TSC calibration Timer latency (in TSC ticks): 1171 min=984 max=1176 TSC invariant clock: 1895693987 Hz CPU:...
59% relevant, matching: dma


Size: 3.4K
Google Summer of Code 2008 This page describes DragonFly's participation in Google's Summer of Code 2008. We have been given seven slots: Google GSoC - DragonFly BSD DragonFly Projects Enhance dma Max Lindner , mentored by Matthias Schmidt See EnhanceDmaGSoC for more information Port DragonFly to the AMD64 architecture Jordan Gordeev , mentored by Matthew Dillon See AMD64GSoC for more information. RFC3542 support Dashu Huang , mentored by Hasso Tepper The standard application program interface...
59% relevant, matching: dma


Size: 12.8K
KERNEL Please keep in mind that major modifications have been made to nearly the entire DragonFly kernel with regard to the original FreeBSD-4.8 fork. Significant changes have been made to every kernel subsystem, as a consequence this list is constrained to the largest, most user-visible changes unique to DragonFly. The scheduler abstraction has been split up into two layers. The LWKT (Light Weight Kernel Thread) scheduler is used by the kernel to schedule all executable entities. The User Thread Scheduler...
58% relevant, matching: dma

xapian-omega 1.4.22