DragonFly BSD is a community effort and as such heavily relies on contributions of any kind. We always have more ideas than people who have the time to convert them into reality.
While most people would think that only kernel developers are welcome, this is not the case as the DragonFly BSD project is more than just a kernel: it is a complete Operating System. An operating system definitely needs programmers (both userland and kernel) but there are many other ongoing tasks as the documentation of the system, one of the most vital tasks.
If you need help with any of the tasks, or even if you just want to let everyone know you started on something, saying so on either IRC (efnet, #dragonflybsd) or on one of the mailinglists is a good place to start. It's also generally a good idea to sift through the ?howtos, as for example the HowTo for new Kernel Developers (howtonewkerneldeveloper) can help you.
Programming related
There are many ideas of possible projects on both the ProjectsPage and SimonsTODOs. If you feel like you can pull any of those off, go ahead!
Work through our Bug tracker and feel free to fix anything that you can!
Port drivers from other BSDs as we are seriously lacking hardware support
Other tasks
Man pages: We lack a lot of them. It would be nice if every time when you stumble upon a missing man page you could actually write and submit it!
Update and maintain our handbook, it needs a lot of love and dedication which it currently isn't receiving.
Update and maintain some language faq, most of them are outdated and need a complete makeover including fixing the links.
Write howtos and post them on our wiki. Any howto can help other users and as such helps the project.
Report any bug you find. Finding bugs and reporting them goes a long way in helping the developers fix them.
Spread the word! Tell friends/family/colleagues about DragonFly, they might be interested.